The Summit on Behavioral Health in Energy Country

2023 Presentations

Here you will find the presentations that were exhibited during the Summit on Behavioral Health in Energy Country, 2023.

You may read the names and a brief summary of the information the presentation contained.

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Talitha Schnaidt and Isabel Garman

Innovative multi-disciplinary approaches to address rural behavioral health challenges.

Compassionate Care

Dr. Melissa Henke

Discuss SAMHSA’s wellness wheel and the importance of managing the different aspects of wellness and identify the importance of compassion towards self and others for healthcare.

Teens: Understanding Mental Health

Alexzandria Garcia

Sometimes it’s tough to avoid feeling stressed, and pressure can build up in many areas of life (socially, in school, at home, making big decisions, etc.) Worrying about these pressures is NORMAL. But feeling EXTREMELY sad, hopeless, or worthless might be a sign of a mental health problem.

Behavioral Health: Watford City High School

Allyson Cross

How WCHS incorporates mental health resources at every level.

Isolation and Mental Health

Monica McConkey

In this presentation, we will learn what it means to be isolated, important notes and statistics about isolation, and strategies to become connected.

Harm Reduction

Dr. Melissa Henke

Explain how harm reduction strategies affect the health care system and identify different medication strategies that are a component of recovery from substance use disorders.

ND HOPES Suicide Prevention in Western ND.

Dr. Ethan Dahl

North Dakota healthcare, opportunity, prevention, and education in suicide prevention.

Law Enforcement Initiatives

Chief Joe Cianni and Sheriff Corey Lee

Law Enforcement Challenges and Responses to Behavioral Health Services.

After The Session: ND Behavioral Health

Pam Sagness

Goals and initiatives for ND Behavioral Health care.