2022 Natural Resources Stewardship Public Meeting Presentations
Jesse Beckers
Natural Resources Trust
Jesse Beckers of ND Natural Resource Trust kicked off the sessions speaking on the “Outdoor Heritage Fund and Carbon Update.” The Bakken Development and Working Lands Programs (BDWLP) has improved 42,160 acres of grassland management, improving grazing resiliency in the Bakken. Jesse ensured those in attendance that healthy grazing lands are the most effective terrestrial carbon capture system.
Cody VanderBusch
Reclamation Specialist
Cody Vanderbush, Reclamation Specialist at the ND Department of Mineral Resources Reclamation, gave an informative presentation on “Oil and Gas Reclamation.” Successful reclamation starts at the time the site is built, continued after the site is plugged, and followed through vegetation establishment. For more information on oil and gas reclamation, state programs, landowner resources, and employment opportunities, click here.
Kevin Sedivec
NDSU Extension Rangeland Management Specialist
Kevin Sedivec, NDSU Extension Rangeland Management Specialist, answered his own question “Reclaiming Lands Disturbed from Energy Development – What Have We Learned?” The first step in ensuring successful reclamation begins at the planning stages. Putting together a contract can avoid tension by determining who is responsible for what during and after the reclamation process. It’s important to create a baseline of data on soil qualities and vegetation, as well as have realistic goals for land recovery while considering ecosites, erosion and weed control.
Doug Goehring
ND Department of Agriculture Commissioner
Agriculture Commissioner, Doug Goehring with the ND Department of Agriculture gave the presentation “Pipeline Restoration and Reclamation Program & Wind Energy Restoration and Reclamation Program.” The goals of these programs are to enhance communication, build trust, save time, and encourage a balanced approach between stakeholders to foster relationships. If needed, the North Dakota Mediation Service (NDMS) may mediate disputes related to easements for oil and gas-related pipelines and associated facilities. To contact the ND Department of Agriculture, visit their website here. For program information, including the NDMS, call Betty Schneider at (701)-328-4158, or click here.